Statewide Administration Assembly Valentine's Drive open through Feb. 28

Instead of the in-person food drive that SAA normally hosts, we are holding a virtual drive to raise money for the food banks in and via GoFundMe. The drive will run through the end of February. Please give what you can.

In addition, we are also having a "Thank You Drive". We have set up a where any staff member can post a note saying thank you to any other staff member, giving them a shout-out for anything big or small. You can also add a photo, GIF, or drawing to the note. The note will show up on the board where all staff will be able to view it! The notes are anonymous unless you decide to sign them with your name. We'd like to fill up this board with as many thank yous as we can until the end of February! Please visit the board and show your appreciation for a fellow staff member - feel free to add as many notes as you'd like! 

Food drive links:



Thank-you virtual bulletin board link:  

For any questions, please email