ࡱ> JLIN[ }7bjbj )jj3hl:::8rG@24???????$yA Cd??v#@v#v#v#.?v#?v#v#(8|9 t2: R894@0G@8C` C9v#Agenda Board of Regents Emergency Meeting of the Board of Regents Friday, May 7, 2004; 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. VIA AUDIOCONFERENCE I. Call to Order II. Adoption of Agenda MOTION "The Board of Regents adopts the agenda as presented. I. Call to Order II. Adoption of Agenda III. Approval of Project Budget Increase for Expansion Project for Kachemak Bay Branch of the Kenai Peninsula College IV. Adjourn This motion is effective May 7, 2004." III. Approval of Project Budget Increase for Expansion Project for Kachemak Bay Branch of the Kenai Peninsula College BACKGROUND At the December 4, 2003 meeting of the Board of Regents, held in Anchorage, the board approved the Project Agreement, the Project, and the Schematic Design for this 鶹ýr project. The language of the approved motion stated that the award work would not exceed a total project cost of $3.412 million, or such lower amount as determined by the vice president for finance in the event that the sale of the Glen parcel is not completed. It also authorized the vice president for finance to increase the authorized total project cost up to $3.927 million to complete the unfinished portions of the project, subject to availability of funding as determined by the vice president for finance, to reflect actual net proceeds from the sale of the Glen Parcel, Foundation accounts, or other available funds approved by the vice president for finance. Construction Documents were prepared. The bid sets were structured as a base bid and five additive alternates as follows (in order of importance to the project): Casework for the science room, Moveable partition for Classrooms 4 & 5, Exterior deck at the south elevation, Entry canopy, New fan unit and remodeling of the Common Area. The facilities department performed pre-bid due diligence to ensure the most accurate document presentation, construction estimate, and bid control possible. These efforts included the following measures: Placed advertising in Kenai Peninsula and Anchorage newspapers Placed bid packages at the Plans Room Targeted mailings to general contractors to make them aware of the project Held a value engineering exercise to keep the project within appropriate scope and available budget Obtained full-cost estimates at every submittal stage of the project design Performed constructability analyses (separate consultant) during the design phases Assigned a strong project manager (Vicki Williams) who remained with the project from inception through bidding Coordinated complex land and site cost issues with SW Land Management Had bid package peer reviews by 鶹ýA FP&C, 鶹ýA Facilities Maintenance, and KPC Facilities Maintenance departments Consulted with VP Beedle and AVP Schointuch at Statewide Four bidders, two local to the Peninsula and two from Anchorage, submitted formal bids and they were opened at the offices of Facilities & Campus Services at 鶹ýA at 2:00 pm on April 29, 2004. The construction bids ranged from a low bid of $2,325,612 base bid ($2,640,551 with alternates) to a high bid of $2,639,850 base bid ($2,954,623 with alternates). The total project cost (using the low bid construction cost) is $3,733,585 base bid ($4,066,270 with all alternates). Based on the total current available funding of $3,493,299, additional funds are needed in the amount of $240,286 to only award the base bid, $396,268 to award the base bid and the first two alternates, and $572,971 to award the base bid and all alternates. This award scenario would still leave the lower level and the exterior elements uncompleted. The total accumulated fund shortfall (not including remodeling the existing building) is approximately $1.2 million. The bids are guaranteed for thirty (30) days and expire on May 29, 2004. Therefore, an award must be made no later than that date. ANALYSIS The apparent low bidder is Jay Brandt General Contractors, a local Kenai Peninsula contractor. Due to cost savings measures instituted at the outset of the design phase, the following elements were not incorporated: The existing KBB building will not be remodeled, The two lower level rooms of the new addition (2,377 nsf) will not be finished, except for corridor walls and two toilet rooms, The roof of the existing building will not be replaced, The siding of the existing building will not be replaced, The parking area will not be paved, The Pioneer Avenue drop-off area will not be finished, Only minimal landscaping will be provided. Bid Analysis Table 1 below compares the low bid figures with those prepared in the final estimated budget. The base bid budget estimate is based on the number received in the latest numbers provided by the A/E at the 95% CD submission. The bid numbers indicate that the estimate was approximately 10% low for the base construction. However, the cost to provide Alternates 1, 2, and 5 are very good. Overall, the low bid is approximately 8% above the final estimated budget this is considered to be within the industry standard. Table 2 below compares the low bid to the other bidders. There is an extremely tight spread in the first three bidders: as low as 1.8% of base bids to 3.9% of total bids. This indicates a positive result from the constructability reviews in that the construction documents were well prepared and equally interpreted by the bidders. Furthermore, a very tight grouping of bids usually indicates that the bidding climate, rather than the construction estimate, would better explain the differences between the estimate and the actual bid. Bidding climate is usually dictated by the costs and availability of materials and subcontracting labor. These variables are extremely difficult to predict with an accuracy better than 10%. Table 3 below is a compilation of the Project Budget. This Table compares the actual bid values in three award scenarios: Awarding the entire project that includes the base bid and all five alternates, Awarding the project base bid with no alternates, Awarding the project including only alternates 1 and 2. A fourth column is included that compares these scenarios with the original estimated project budget approved by the Board at the December 4, 2003 meeting. Row H identifies the budget shortfall for each scenario when compared to the total available funding (see next section). These shortfalls range from $240,286 for only the base bid award, to $396,268 for base bid and alternates 1 and 2, to $572,971 for the entire project. It should be noted that these figures do not include finishing out the lower level, except for adding two toilet rooms, mechanical/electrical rooms, and semi-finished corridor partitions. The proposed student affairs space (1,617.7 nsf) and the proposed classroom (759.5 nsf) will remain unfinished. This work is estimated to cost approximately $140,000 - $150,000 based on A/E estimates at the 95% construction document submission. At the time of the December Board approval, this estimate was thought to be of the magnitude of $500,000 since the scope was not well defined. Table 1 Bid ItemFinal Budget EstimateActual Low BidDifferenceConstruction Base Bid$2,132,000 $2,352,612 ($220,612)Alternate 1: Case Work$184,313 $111,543 $72,770 Alternate 2: Operable Partition$25,181 $23,460 $1,721 Alternate 3: South Deck$21,742 $46,145 ($24,403)Alternate 4: Entry Canopy$17,860 $55,047 ($37,187)Alternate 5: Replace Fan & Remodel Common Area$66,042 $51,744 $14,298 Totals$2,447,138 $2,640,551 ($193,413) Table 2 Difference from low bidderBidderBase BidTotal BidBaseTotalJay Brandt General Contractors$2,352,612 $2,640,551 Blazy Construction$2,397,000 $2,732,137 $44,388 $91,586 KC Corporation$2,406,036 $2,750,714 $53,424 $110,163 Pinnacle Construction, Inc.$2,639,850 $2,954,623 $287,238 $314,072  Table 3  EMBED Excel.Sheet.8  Funding Analysis Table 4 outlines the total current funding sources for this project. The original funding came from the four separate sources identified in the upper part of the Table and amount to $3,412,638. During the latter part of the design phase, the MAU identified some additional local sources amounting to $80,661 and identified in the lower portion of the Table. An additional source of funds included $150,000 earmarked for Kachemak Bay Renewal (electrical upgrades). These funds are a line item in the FY05 Capital Budget Request under the category of essential life, safety, space and equipment priorities. The work described by this item is essential to upgrade the transformer and power feeds to accommodate the addition and cost is subsumed within the base bid scope of work. Table 4 Total FundingAcct No.ItemAmountGO Bond$3,000,000Glen Property$270,95920071Irving Bldg.$56,00020520Rhodes Duplex Acct$85,679SUBTOTAL$3,412,638564113Site Drainage Repair (FY99)$18,218564114KB Deferred Maintenance (FY99)$7,94320701KB M&R Fund (FY04)$17,000Insurance Offset$27,50020107Rhodes Trust Acct.$10,000SUBTOTAL$80,661Total $3,493,299 Given that the defined cumulative source of available funding is $3.5 million, this project has a $450,000 minimum shortfall under award Scenario 2 and a difference of $1.2 million to complete the project (not including remodeling the existing building interior). Management is working on a solution to fund the shortfall. With capital budget appropriations of $1.3 million pending, it is still possible to accommodate full funding from the state. Pending a state-funded solution, which may require G.O. Bond voter approval in November, management proposes to debt finance the $450,000 shortfall as an interim solution. If state capital appropriations do not materialize, management will seek to identify internal and external sources of funding to retire the debt or term out the interim borrowing and secure debt service payments from multiple sources including the community, the borough, the campus, and the MAU. Other Considerations As noted in the background section above, certain cost savings elements were deleted from the scope of work. However, in order to provide a more complete project, Table 5 outlines the current estimated cost to provide these elements. It needs to be pointed out that these are estimates only and were not part of the competitive bid process. Table 5 Additional Project Scope ElementsParking Lot Paving$108,000 Landscaping$54,000 Drop-off/Loading Area$24,300 Roof Replacement of Existing Building$151,900 Siding Replacement of Existing Building$81,000 SUBTOTAL$419,200 Interior Remodel of Existing Building$816,495 Total$1,235,695  Table 6 outlines the expansion of the Total Project Cost as various elements of scope are added to the previously approved maximum of $3.4 million. The total cumulative difference in Total Project Cost from the current approved amount is $1,199,733. It is also important to understand that increases in Total Project Cost includes proportional incremental increases in construction contingency, art in public places, and project management fees. Table 6 CostResultant Total Project CostCurrent Approved Total Project Cost$3,412,000Award Scenario 2$3,889,567$3,889,567Alternates 3, 4, and 5$152,966$4,042,533Finish the Lower Level$150,000$4,192,533Additional Exterior Project Elements (Table 5)$419,200$4,611,733 RECOMMENDATION In order to achieve the greatest efficiency and usability for this building, it is recommended that Scenario 2 be considered for immediate award. This would provide for a workable science room with appropriate casework and a moveable partition that would enable maximum flexibility of space by providing two classrooms. It is further recommended that the maximum total project cost be increased to provide for the remaining bid alternates, finishing the lower level, and adding the additional exterior scope elements previously deleted. This increase of total project cost from $3.412 million to $4.612 million would only be authorized if additional funds become available through funding sources outside the project including debt and the economy of existing funds if the contingency is not fully spent. The President recommends that: MOTION "The Board of Regents (1) approves an increase to the total project cost from $3.412 million to $3.890 million, (2) authorizes the vice president for finance to increase the authorized total project cost up to $4.612 million to complete the unfinished portions of the project, subject to availability of existing or other funding as determined by the vice president for finance, and (3) authorizes the vice president for finance to negotiate and sign all documentation necessary to secure interim financing from a commercial bank not to exceed $450,000 for up to eighteen (18) months to accommodate the construction award for the Kachemak Bay Branch expansion project as presented. This motion is effective May 7, 2004." IV. 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ConstructionOther (Interim Space Needs)C.D.Administrative CostsMisc. ExpensesE. Total Project CostConstruction Subtotal"Equipment and Furnishings SubtotalMAU:Consultant Basic ServicesConsultant Extra ServicesConstruction Contingency Equipment Professional Services SubtotalAdministrative Costs SubtotalAdministrative Budget Schedulecnstr%MOA Permit Feesincl plan rvw/fire rvw Anchorage Pre-Design!Purchase of Barefoot Trailer Park Soil RemovalSubtotalFeasibility StudiesCity Hall AppraisalAbatement HazmatGeneral Contractor Base BidAlternate 1: CaseworkAlternate 2: Moveable PartitionAlternate 3: South DeckAlternate 4: Entry Canopy1Alternate 5: New Fan Unit and Remodel Common AreaTelephone InstallationPrinting AdvertisingEquipment and OccupancyF. Total Project CostCost with no AlternatesEntire Project CostProject Name: KBC (鶹ýr) ExpansionG. Funding on-handH. Additional Funds NeededBurial of UtilitiesCost with Alts. 1 & 2 Soils EngineeringOriginal Estimate(6% used in original)Art in Public PlacesHNote: Estimate to complete lower level is not included in above numbers.B  Mu(E ɀ  dMbP?_*+%,:7&L&9Format approved by FC: Nov 5, 2001&R&9Printed: &D&?'?(?)?M\\FINSYS1\finance_hplaserS oL,,LetterPRIVk$0#đ "L,,?p= ף?U} }  }  } }  } U }  }  } } I  , ,   J0 0 0 t w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w       UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA    Project Name: KBC (鶹ýr) Expansion  MAU: Anchorage &PROJECT BUDGET"""""GEntire Project Cost!HCost with no AlternatesICost with Alts. 1 & 2  NOriginal Estimate 'A.( Pre-Design%%%)**,*  *"!Purchase of Barefoot Trailer Park"""+,$A,$A,$A,A   " Soil Removal " -  .  + ,@,@,@,  # /Subtotal $$$0# 1A % B# 1A % B# 1A % B# 1A % B 'B. 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