ࡱ> ` ibjbj ;hanfAfAfA8AdBl_zBC(6C6C6C6C6C6C_______$`hcn&_L6C6CLL&_6C6C;_8PPPLX6C6C_PL_PPV2Xv^6CnB PI8fApLp] ^$s_<_]TqcLpqc^qc^6CEPGdI6C6C6C&_&_PPX6C6C6C_LLLL&d@#* Agenda Board of Regents Special Meeting of the Full Board Monday, August 8, 2005; 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. VIA AUDIOCONFERENCE Dial Toll Free: 1-866-393-8073 Access Code: *2911614* I. Call to Order II. Adoption of Agenda MOTION "The Board of Regents adopts the agenda as presented. I. Call to Order II. Adoption of Agenda III. Briefing by President Hamilton IV. General Revenue Bond Series N A. Authorization of Sale of General Revenue Bond 2005 Series N B. Approval to Transfer Unexpended Bond Proceeds to 鶹ýF Central Chiller Plant Project V. Authority to Proceed with the 鶹ýA Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program/Center for Innovative Learning (ANSEP/CIL) Facility VI. Approval of Land Lease for State Virology Lab Facility on 鶹ýF Campus VII. Adjourn This motion is effective August 8, 2005." III. Briefing by President Hamilton President Hamilton will brief the Board of Regents on activities occurring over the summer at 鶹ý campuses, on issues of importance to the University, and on issues that will be facing the Board of Regents when they next meet in regular session on September 20-21, 2005 at the 鶹ý Anchorage campus. Topics covered are for discussion only; no actions are required. IV. General Revenue Bond Series N A. Authorization of Sale of General Revenue Bond 2005 Series N Reference 1 The President recommends that: MOTION "The Board of Regents adopts the bond resolution for 鶹ý General Revenue Bond 2005 Series N as presented. This motion is effective August 8, 2005." POLICY CITATION Regents Policy Part V, Chapter IV Debt and Credit specifies the guidelines for debt issuances and requires that all debt issuances be approved by the Board of Regents. RATIONALE AND RECOMMENDATION President Hamilton and Assistant Controller Dosch will report on the proposed sale of Series N general revenue bonds. Immediately following this narrative is the resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of the bonds. By approval of the above motion, the resolution is adopted. There are a significant number of standard bond sale documents in Reference 1. These standard bond sale documents include: Sources and Uses of Funds Proposed, Estimated Annual Debt Service Proposed, Savings Report relating to the 1997 Series G Refunding, Savings Report relating to the Redemption of the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation Unassisted Promissory Note, Form of the Eleventh Supplemental Indenture, Form of the Notice of Sale, Form of the Escrow Agreement, and Form of the Preliminary Official Statement The Series N general revenue bonds finance several capital projects, provide for refunding (refinancing) of certain maturities of the 1997 Series G general revenue bonds, and provide for the payoff of a portion of an Alaska Housing Finance Corporation promissory note. Please note that the proposed authorizing amount of $26.0 million is slightly higher than the current market figures reflected in the detail sheets within Reference 1. The higher amount ensures that the bonds can be sold in the event that the market moves higher between now and the mid-August 2005 sale date. The projects being financed with this bond issue have been approved in accordance with Regents Policy 05.12 regarding authorized approval levels for capital projects. Estimated present value savings, based on current interest rates, on the refunding of 1997 Series G general revenue bonds total $490,000, or 6% of the bonds being refunded. Payoff of the AHFC 鶹ýA Housing promissory note is expected to yield a present value savings of $340,000, or 12% of the original note. A summary of estimated amounts for the Series N Bond funded projects follows: 鶹ýF Central Chiller Plant Project $4,465,000 鶹ýF Electrical Power Grid Interface 510,000 鶹ýA Kachemak Bay (鶹ýr) Branch Expansion 780,000 鶹ýF Aurora Warehouse/Office Building Acquisition 1,850,000 鶹ýF Patty Ice Arena Improvements 790,000 鶹ýF Elvey Building Cooling System 1,290,000 鶹ýF Biological Research and Diagnostics Facility 4,880,000 Total New Projects Bond Principal $14,565,000 Payoff portion of AHFC 鶹ýA Housing Promissory Note 2,715,000 Refunding (refinancing) 1997 Series G Bonds 8,180,000 Total Refunding Bonds 10,895,000 Total Series N Bonds $25,460,000 Bond issuance costs, including underwriting discount, bond insurance, and fees for financial advisor, bond counsel and rating agencies are estimated at $400,000, or 1.6% of bond principal. A deposit of approximately $460,000 to the debt service reserve fund (held by the Trustee) will be required for the incremental annual debt service. The bond costs and reserve deposit are reflected in the total bonds considered above. Debt service detail by project is shown in Reference 1. The incremental increases in debt service to the university varies from one year to the next, but on average the FY06 FY08 increases are approximately $600,000 per year. In FY09 FY18 the incremental increases are approximately $1,100,000 per year, with increases trailing off past FY18 to final maturity in FY36, as these bonds and other debt matures. All appropriate Declarations of Intent to issue tax exempt reimbursement bonds have been filed, providing the opportunity, but not an obligation to issue all bonds presented. Upon approval of the bond sale by the board, the Series N bonds are expected to be sold competitively on August 15, 2005 with a closing date of August 31, 2005. RESOLUTION UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA GENERAL REVENUE BOND 2005 SERIES N RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AUTHORIZING THE ISS鶹ýNCE AND SALE OF NOT TO EXCEED $26,000,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA GENERAL REVENUE BONDS, 2005 SERIES N; AUTHORIZING THE OFFERING OF THE BONDS AT PUBLIC SALE; APPROVING THE FORM OF A SUPPLEMENTAL INDENTURE, A PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT, AN ESCROW AGREEMENT, A NOTICE OF SALE FOR THE BONDS; AND AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING RELATED MATTERS. WHEREAS, the 鶹ý (the "University") is authorized pursuant to Alaska Statutes Chapter 14.40, as amended (the "Act") to issue revenue bonds to pay the cost of acquiring, constructing, or equipping one or more facilities that the Board of Regents of the University determines is necessary; and WHEREAS, there are now outstanding revenue bonds of the University entitled "General Revenue Bonds, 1997 Series G" (the "Outstanding Bonds"); and WHEREAS, after due consideration, it appears to the Board that it is advisable for the University to provide for the refunding, including the payment of principal, premium, if any, and interest on certain maturities of the Outstanding Bonds as further described herein (the "Refunded Bonds") by the issuance of general revenue bonds to effect a savings in debt service; and WHEREAS, the University intends to issue its General Revenue Bonds, 2005 Series N, in a principal amount not exceeding $26,000,000 (the Bonds") for the purpose of (i) providing funds to refund the Refunded Bonds, (ii) paying the cost, or a portion thereof, of refinancing, constructing, acquiring and equipping the facilities described in Exhibit "B-1" to the Supplemental Indenture (as described below) (the "Projects"), (iii) providing funds for deposit in the reserve fund securing payment of the Bonds; and (iv) paying the costs of issuing the Bonds authorized herein; and WHEREAS, the Bonds will be issued under and pursuant to, and are being secured by, a Trust Indenture dated as of June 1, 1992, as amended (the "Master Indenture"), and an Eleventh Supplemental Indenture (the "Supplemental Indenture" and together with the Master Indenture, the "Indenture"), which shall be in substantially the form presented to and made part of the records of this meeting; and WHEREAS, there has been presented to this meeting the form of a Preliminary Official Statement for use in connection with the public offering of the Bonds; and WHEREAS, there has been presented at this meeting a form of an escrow agreement (the "Escrow Agreement") for use in connection with refunding the Refunded Bonds; and WHEREAS, the Bonds are to be offered at public sale, and there has been presented to this meeting the form of a Notice of Sale (the "Notice of Sale") for use in connection with the public offering of the Bonds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AS FOLLOWS: Section LISTNUM Numbers_2 \l 1 The issuance of the Bonds in an amount not to exceed an aggregate principal amount of $26,000,000 is hereby authorized and approved. Section LISTNUM Numbers_2 \l 1 The President, the Vice President for Finance, and the Assistant Controller, Finance (collectively, the "Authorized Officers") are, and each of them is, hereby authorized to cause the Bonds to be sold at public sale on a date no later than 90 days from the date of approval of this Resolution, subject to the terms of this Resolution. Section LISTNUM Numbers_2 \l 1 The form and content of the Notice of Sale, in all respects, is hereby authorized, approved, and confirmed with such changes as the Authorized Officers consider necessary or appropriate. The Authorized Officers are, and each of them is, hereby authorized to offer the Bonds at public sale by the University subject to the terms and conditions of the Notice of Sale and this Resolution. All bids for the sale of the Bonds will be submitted in their entirety on the Bidcomp Parity Competitive Bidding System website pursuant to the Notice of Sale. The bidders will be given the option to secure municipal bond insurance for all or a portion of the Bonds. Section LISTNUM Numbers_2 \l 1 The Authorized Officers are, and each of them is, hereby authorized to issue the Bonds in an aggregate principal amount determined by such Authorized Officers as the amount necessary to adequately provide funding for the Projects as described in Exhibit "B-1" to the Supplemental Indenture and refunding of the Refunded Bonds as described in Exhibit "C-1" to the Supplemental Indenture, each such description subject to appropriate insertions and revisions as the Authorized Officers consider necessary or appropriate. Section LISTNUM Numbers_2 \l 1 The Authorized Officers are, and each of them is, hereby authorized to call the Refunded Bonds, or a portion thereof, on the first date or dates on which such Refunded Bonds may be redeemed. Section LISTNUM Numbers_2 \l 1 The form and content of the Supplemental Indenture are hereby, in all respects authorized, approved, and confirmed, and the Authorized Officers are hereby, in all respects severally authorized, empowered, and directed to execute and deliver the Supplemental Indenture for and on behalf of the University to the Trustee named therein for the security of the Bonds, including necessary counterparts, in substantially the form now before this meeting, but with such changes, modifications, additions, and deletions therein as shall to them seem necessary, desirable, or appropriate, the execution thereof to constitute conclusive evidence of their approval of any and all changes, modifications, additions, or deletions thereto from the form, and after the execution and delivery of the Supplemental Indenture, the Authorized Officers are hereby severally authorized, empowered, and directed to do all such acts and things and to execute all such documents as may be necessary or convenient to carry out and comply with the provisions of the Supplemental Indenture as executed. The form and content of the Bonds as set forth in the Supplemental Indenture are hereby, in all respects, authorized, approved, and confirmed subject to appropriate insertions and revisions as the Authorized Officers consider necessary or appropriate. Section LISTNUM Numbers_2 \l 1 The Authorized Officers are, and each of them hereby is, authorized, empowered, and directed to approve the final form of the Escrow Agreement and, pursuant to the terms of such Escrow Agreement, cause permitted investments, either directly or through a contractual arrangement with a third party, to be irrevocably deposited with The Bank of New York Trust Company, N.A., as escrow agent (the "Escrow Agent"). The escrow agreement shall be in substantially the same form as the Escrow Agreement presented to and as part of the records of this meeting, but with such changes as the Authorized Officers consider necessary or appropriate. Section LISTNUM Numbers_2 \l 1 The form and content of the Preliminary Official Statement are hereby in all respects authorized, approved and confirmed. The Authorized Officers are, and each of them hereby is, authorized, empowered, and directed to approve the final form of a Preliminary Official Statement and to declare such final form as "deemed final" by the University for purposes of Rule 15c2-12 of the Securities and Exchange Commission (17 CFR 240.15c2-12) (the "Rule") and to approve the final form of the Official Statement. The final form of the Preliminary Official Statement and the Official Statement shall be in substantially the same form as the Preliminary Official Statement presented to and as a part of the records of this meeting, and with such changes as the Authorized Officers consider necessary or appropriate to fully disclose to the purchasers of the Bonds all material information relating thereto. The distribution of the Preliminary Official Statement and the Official Statement, as each is completed by the Authorized Officers, to prospective purchasers and the use thereof by the purchasers in connection with the offering of the Bonds is hereby ratified, confirmed, and approved. Section LISTNUM Numbers_2 \l 1 The Authorized Officers are hereby severally authorized, following the selection of the winning bidder for the Bonds to deliver the Bonds to the Trustee for authentication under the Indenture, and, upon authentication and receipt of the balance of the purchase price of the Bonds, to deliver to the Trustee a written order in the name of the University directing the Trustee to deliver the Bonds to or upon the order of the respective purchasers thereof and to receive the proceeds of sale of the Bonds and give a written receipt thereof on behalf of the University, to apply said proceeds and the other moneys required to be transferred or deposited in accordance with the terms of the Indenture and in such manner as is required to cause the conditions precedent to the issuance of the Bonds to be complied with, and to do and perform or cause to be done and performed, for and on behalf of the University, all acts and things that constitute conditions precedent to the authentication and delivery of the Bonds or that are otherwise required to be done and performed by or on behalf of the University prior to or simultaneously with the delivery of the Bonds. Section LISTNUM Numbers_2 \l 1 The Authorized Officers are hereby severally authorized, empowered, and directed to enter a "continuing disclosure undertaking" pursuant to the Rule. Section LISTNUM Numbers_2 \l 1 The Authorized Officers are, and each of them hereby is, authorized to execute all documents and to take any action necessary or desirable to carry out the provisions of this Resolution and to effectuate the issuance and delivery of the Bonds. Section LISTNUM Numbers_2 \l 1 This Resolution shall take effect immediately. B. Approval to Transfer Unexpended Bond Proceeds to 鶹ýF Central Chiller Plant Project The President recommends that: MOTION "The Board of Regents: declares the General Revenue Bond 2004 Series M 鶹ýF Institute of Arctic Biology (IAB) Logistics Facility project (the Project) complete; directs the vice president for finance or assistant controller for finance to direct The Bank of New York Trust Company, N.A., bond trustee and depository for the university with regard to the General Revenue Bond Construction Fund, to (a) verify adequacy of the Reserve Fund, and (b) at a time and in a manner deemed appropriate by the vice president for finance or assistant controller for finance, transfer the remaining unexpended bond proceeds of the Project to the university free and clear of the lien of the bond indenture and use such proceeds for reimbursement of expenditures incurred in connection with the 鶹ýF Central Chiller Plant Project, consistent with the Notice of Intent to Issue Reimbursement Bonds. This motion is effective August 8, 2005." POLICY CITATION Regents Policy Part V, Chapter IV Debt and Credit requires that all debt issuances be approved by the Board of Regents. Policy 05.04.02 cites requirements for disposition of debt proceeds not expended. RATIONALE AND RECOMMENDATION Based on past university practice and current advice from bond counsel, this motion serves to make use of unexpended bond proceeds from 2004 Series M, a previously issued general revenue bond, and in connection with provisions of the bond indenture, lower the amount of debt needed to be issued with the 2005 Series N general revenue bond. One of the projects financed in the 2004 Series M general revenue bonds was the 鶹ýF Institute of Arctic Biology (IAB) Logistics Facility with a project cost of $700,000. Bids for the IAB project came in significantly high, and 鶹ýF management subsequently decided not to proceed with the project. After spending approximately $67,000 on administrative expenses, approximately $633,000 unexpended bond proceeds remain. Regents Policy 05.04.02.G states that debt proceeds not expended in accordance with the expenditure plan approved by the board shall be used to defease or redeem the related debt at the earliest allowed time. The administration believes that it is in the best interest of the university not to defease the debt, but rather to dedicate the unexpended bond proceeds for reimbursement of expenditures already incurred for the 鶹ýF Central Chiller Plant Project, a Series N general revenue bond project. By doing so, the university issues less debt, preserves debt capacity and forgoes debt issuance costs. Bond counsel has advised that, in accordance with the bond indenture, and upon the boards declaration as to the completion of the IAB Logistics Facility project, the bond Trustee is authorized to verify adequacy of the reserves and transfer remaining unexpended bond proceeds to the university free and clear of the lien of the bond indenture. V. Authority to Proceed with the 鶹ýA Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program/Center for Innovative Learning (ANSEP/CIL) Facility Reference 2 The President recommends that: MOTION "The Board of Regents authorizes the administration to proceed with the 鶹ýA Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program/Center for Innovative Learning (ANSEP/CIL) Facility in accordance with the Project/Schematic Design approved by the Board of Regents June 10, 2004, not to exceed a total project cost of $4.955 million. This motion is effective August 8, 2005." POLICY CITATION Schematic design approval generally authorizes the administration to proceed with construction of a project, "unless otherwise designated by the approval authority." (Regents' Policy 05.12.04.D.) In June 2004, the Board of Regents specifically approved the project and schematic design, but authorized the administration to proceed through construction documents, and conditioned the approval on all funding being secured. RATIONALE/RECOMMENDATION The administration is seeking authority to proceed with construction of the ANSEP project. Approval of this motion authorizes the administration to proceed with a development agreement through completion of project construction. As noted above, in June 2004, the board formally approved the ANSEP project and schematic design, with a total project cost not to exceed $4.955 million. In February 2005, the board authorized the use of interim debt for the ANSEP project, and directed the administration to present a long term plan for funding the completion of the project at a time deemed appropriate by the president. As previously communicated to the board, and in accordance with approval by the Universitys Chief Procurement Officer and a published Notice of Intent to Award a Contract, the administration proposes to enter a development agreement with JL Properties to construct and deliver ANSEP/CIL as a turn-key facility for a fixed cost (excluding FF&E) of $4.2 million, based on the final design. This cost would include construction costs, permitting, construction management, and any additional design and engineering services. Funding in hand: Denali Commission Grant $250,000 Rasmuson Foundation $2,000,000 鶹ý Foundation/BPConocoPhillips $750,000 FY06 State Capital Budget Appropriation $250,000 Other 鶹ý Foundation Grants $13,000 Subtotal $3,263,000 Funding sources approved or guaranteed but not yet in hand: Dept. of Education Grant $920,000 JL Properties Pledge* $600,000 Subtotal $1,520,000 Funding gap being actively pursued from other sources: $172,000 Grand Total $4,955,000 * The JL Properties pledge will be in the form of 10 annual payments of $60,000, the first of which will occur upon project completion, Spring 2006. Any deficit of funding-in-hand at the time of executing the development agreement will be secured by a working capital loan from Statewide to the MAU, as previously authorized by the board. The total project budget is $4,955,000, approved by the Board of Regents in June 2004 (Reference 2). VI. Approval of Land Lease for State Virology Lab Facility on 鶹ýF Campus Reference 3 The President recommends that: MOTION "The Board of Regents authorizes the administration to continue negotiations for the lease of land for the state Virology Lab on the 鶹ýF campus, and, subject to the Vice President for Finance's approval of the final terms and conditions of the lease, authorizes the Director of Land Management to execute any and all documents necessary to finalize the transaction. This motion is effective August 8, 2005." POLICY CITATION In accordance with Regents' Policy 05.11.05, real property transactions which have not been approved as part of a Campus Land Acquisition Plan or a Development Plan and which are expected to result in receipts or disbursements of more than $250,000 in value, require approval by the Board of Regents. RATIONALE/RECOMMENDATION The State of Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) currently leases 5,255 square feet of space in the Arctic Health Building on the West Ridge of the 鶹ýF campus. DHSS utilizes the space as a public health lab that provides statewide viral diagnostic services which aid in the diagnosis and prevention of human disease. It is the only viral laboratory in Alaska. The laboratory is a member of the Pacific Basin Respiratory Virus Research Group and the World Health Organization, Influenza Centers of the Americas. The lab functions are located in several areas of the sprawling 44-year old building adjacent to a food service operation and other 鶹ýF academic and research functions. Recent legislation authorized $24.2 million in bond funds for the construction of a new virology lab facility (Virology Lab) in Fairbanks. The consolidation of the labs and related support services in a newly constructed modern facility will ensure the appropriate isolation of potential biological hazards and make efficient use of human and facility resources. Given 鶹ýFs long-term programmatic relationships with the Virology Lab and its scientists, the administration recognizes that hosting this public health laboratory will compliment and nurture the institutions significant multidisciplinary commitment to research related to public health issues. As such, the preferred location of the new facility is on the 鶹ýF campus adjoining the new Biological Research and Diagnostics (BiRD) Facility. The Virology Lab concept plan developed by DHSS proposes three potential building scenarios ranging in size from 26,127 gross square feet to 40,854 gross square feet. Although to date, the final building design has not been developed, in order to sell the bonds, DHSS must have a land lease in place in order to secure financing. Current negotiations anticipate 鶹ýF occupancy of the basement of the Virology Lab and shared use rights to other portions of the building. It is anticipated that the lease will provide for a no-cost 25-year term with two 10-year options to extend. In lieu of fair market rent, consideration would be based on shared use of the facility and equipment and significant research project and academic program collaboration. Land Management will continue to negotiate the final terms of a long-term lease agreement for location of the Virology Lab on the 鶹ýF campus on the terms and conditions described above. VII. 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