TIAA December Webinars

woman checklist


Take control of your financial life: 5 steps to save money and manage debt
Wednesday, December 4th 8am-9am Alaska |

Learn how to manage money, uncover how to set goals, balance your budget and use debt wisely. WIth the know-how you need and a little determination, you can put yourself on the path to greater lifelong financial security. 

She's got it: A woman's guide to saving and investing
Thursday, December 5th from 12pm -1pm Alaska |

Learn how to prepare for your future. Join TIAA for a revealing trip through investing and saving strategies developed especially with women in mind. Your money shouldn’t be sitting around doing nothing.

TIAA will show you the simple secrets to saving more:

  • Learn the core concepts that guide all investing, get motivated, build a plan and take action.
  • Find ways to take on life’s challenges without damaging future financial well-being.
  • Discover more about yourself with the Financial Personality Type quiz.
  • Break down what your real goals are and learn how to reach them.

How can I afford college for my kinds or grandkids?
Thursday, December 12th from 9am-10am Alaska |

Saving for a child's education is a crucial financial decision that can have a lasting impact on their future. In this webinar you will gain insights into how to make the best decisions for your situation.

Emailed via benefits newsletter on 11/26/2024, 12/3/2024.
Contact Benefits: (907) 450-8242 | | schedule one-on-one time