Why Teach in Alaska?
Why Teach in Alaska?
There are many benefits to teaching in Alaska, from great job security and benefits, to the opportunity to make lasting contributions to your community.

- Alaska-trained teachers are in high demand. Each year Alaska school districts recruit
more than 800 teachers from outside the state to meet the demand to fill positions.
But Alaska-trained teachers are desired because they typically stay longer, understand
Alaska communities and create better outcomes for students. You could be one of them!
- Teaching provides the opportunity to profoundly impact the lives of children. Research
indicates that teacher quality is the most important factor in students’ academic
success. And there is tremendous satisfaction in watching a child discover new learning.
- Teaching credentials are very portable and teaching is a stable, recession-proof career.
Your teaching credential will allow you to teach in other states and in some cases,
overseas. Teachers will always be in demand.
- It’s a family-friendly work schedule. The daily schedule and school holidays allow
you to spend quality time with your family, and summer vacation allows you to pursue
advanced education, summer subsistence activities, engage in hobbies and other work,
and enjoy the beauty of Alaskan summers.
- Continued education is incentivised. Good teachers never stop learning and growing,
and you can earn pay increases with education and professional development credits.
- The satisfaction of contributing to your community. By preparing students for lives
as informed and engaged citizens, you can benefit generations of people in your community,
your country and the world.
- Teaching is an outlet for your creativity. The need to engage all students in learning
calls upon a teacher to be creative in adapting and developing learning activities,
and new technologies allow teachers to bring the world – even the universe – into
their classrooms. The opportunities for trying new and exciting approaches are endless!
- It’s a work environment that is never dull. Teachers will tell you that no two days
are ever alike. The variety of people you come in contact with, the changing challenges,
the daily discoveries all combine to make teaching an interesting and engaging adventure.
- It’s a job that keeps you young. Being surrounded by young people in the energetic
environment of a school is a great way to keep your outlook youthful and to retain
a sense of playfulness and possibility.
- It’s a chance to change the future. You may never truly know the impact you will make on the future of a student or what that could mean for our state.
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- Research rural and remote