
The first step for all Concur users (travelers, approvers, delegates, etc.) is viewing and updating profile information, including adding travel card information, assigning delegates and setting email preferences. The profile options also contain areas of customization including adding mileage plans and activating e-receipts.


Topic Description Concur Video Â鶹´«Ã½ Guide
First-Time Login
  • How do we login with an account?
  • What profile information is required before using Concur Request, Travel, Expense or Approvals?
Â鶹´«Ã½page Dashboard
  • What quick access links are available on the Concur homepage?
  • How do we find the different components of Concur?
  • Where do we find Â鶹´«Ã½ travel alerts and CTM's contact information?
  • How do we view information for an unused ticket credit?
Update Your Travel Profile
  • How do we set our travel preferences (e.g. hotel accessibility needs)
  • How do we add emergency contact information to our profile?
  • How do we add mileage and other travel rewards plans?
  • How do we assign additional eligible discount classes (e.g. Senior/AARP) 
Verify Email
  • How do we verify an email to forward receipts directly to the traveler's "Available Receipts"?
  • How do we verify an email to forward itineraries & travel plans? 
Activate E-Receipts
  • How do we receive electronic receipts from participating vendors?
Manage Delegates
  • How do we add a travel coordinator delegate?
  • How do we add a travel approver delegate?
  • How do we remove ourselves as a delegate?
Favorite Attendees
  • How do we add to and manage our attendees list?
  • How do we create attendee groups?
Email Notifications
  • How do we set our email notification preferences?
  • What notifications does Concur send?
Act as a Delegate
  • How do we act as a delegate for another user?


The Concur videos illustrate the basics of using the Concur system but do not reflect differences in system configuration for Â鶹´«Ã½.