After Travel

The Concur Expense module is used to manage expenses, receipts and expense reports. The Expense Report is the official document for approving travel costs and dates associated with an authorized trip. It provides final documentation of the trip as it happens including detailed itemization of costs and modifications made after the Request is approved. 

An Expense Report is required to reconcile any charges or refunds to the agency card held by CTM and the Â鶹´«Ă˝ travel card held by employees. You should submit your Report within 15 business days of trip completion. Except for local mileage, travel reimbursements are only issued through a Report in Concur.

Reimbursements requested more than 90 days after the completion of the trip fall outside the reasonable time-frame for IRS accountable plans. Therefore, reimbursements from applicable Reports are taxable income and reported on an employee’s Form W-2.

  1. In the Request module, open the associated Request from the Request Library and select “Create Expense Report”; use the View drop-down menu to change the filter if Request is not listed under Active Requests
  2. Open the Header to verify information from the Request is still accurate
    1. The information auto populates from the Request Header
    2. Make any corrections based on changes since original trip approval
  3. At the bottom of the Report Header, change the Travel Allowance answer to “Yes, I want to claim Travel Allowance” even if you are not claiming per diem reimbursement (the Travel Allowance is the official documentation of your time in travel status)
  4. Enter the Travel Allowance based on the business-only itinerary and create per diem expenses if needed
  5. Add Â鶹´«Ă˝ paid and reimbursable out-of-pocket Expenses from the trip
    1. Itemize expenses as needed
    2. Allocate expenses as needed
      1. Select one or more expense and click “Allocate”
      2. Select “Percent” or “Amount” to allocate based on percentage or amount and click “Add”
        1. If assigning the full cost of selected expense(s) to one funding source different from the primary funding on the Report Header, enter the funding information and Save
        2. If assigning the cost of selected expense(s) to multiple funding sources, add each additional funding source (including Header funding if applicable) and Save
      3. Adjust the “Percent %” or “Amount USD” distribution accordingly
      4. Allocated expenses are noted in the Expense list
  6. Attach receipts and other pertinent or required documentation
    1. You can attach receipts to the Report at any approval stage
    2. Itemized receipts are required for all expenses except “Per Diem Offset Meal” or “Personal/Non Reimbursable”
  7. Verify all information is complete and correct then click “Submit Report” (top right-hand corner)
    1. View Report totals from the Details drop-down menu
    2. Due Employee = Reimbursement Â鶹´«Ă˝ owes you (if any)
    3. Owed Company = Repayment you owe to Â鶹´«Ă˝ (if any)
  8. Concur evaluates the Report according to audit rules defined by Â鶹´«Ă˝ regulations and guidance
    1. If no Exceptions are present, the Report is submitted for approval
    2. If Exceptions are present
      1. The Report is not submitted, and Concur provides information on and recommended resolution for the Exceptions
      2. Make the required corrections and click “Submit Report” again to re-evaluate the audit flags
  9. Depending on your email notification settings, you receive an email notification of Report submission, return, and/or approval
  10. Once approved for payment, the Report moves off your Active Reports list and is stored in your Report Library

All Expense Reports for completed trips should include a Travel Allowance itinerary. The Travel Allowance defines your time in travel status, applies the meal & incidental expenses (M&IE) allowance and determines the allowable lodging rate. The latter two purposes are why a Travel Allowance is required for all trips with lodging and/or meal expenses.

The allowable rate for your first day of travel is based on the GSA listed rate for the city where you lodged. The allowance for your last day is based on the rate for the last city you lodged.

If no travel commenced, a Travel Allowance is not entered. For example, Reports to reconcile expenses from a canceled trip or accidental card charges. Do not enter a Travel Allowance if you were not in travel status.

Important: The Travel Allowance is not automatically prompted when you create a Report

  1. Change the answer to “Claim Travel Allowance” at the bottom of the Report Header
    1. Answering “Yes, I want to claim Travel Allowance” initiates the Travel Allowance
    2. If the Report is already created, assign a Travel Allowance from Details>Travel Allowance: New Itinerary
  2. In Create New Itinerary, enter the outbound and return itinerary information (start and end locations, dates, and times)
    1. Click Save after entering each leg
    2. Use the time you departed from or returned to your home/duty station
    3. If your trip includes personal time, enter the business-only itinerary from the cost comparison
    4. Anytime flights cross date lines, the layovers are excluded unless you stopped and lodged there for the night 
  3. Once the itinerary is complete, click Next
  4. Verify the itinerary is correct and click “Next”
  5. In Expenses & Adjustments, review M&IE allowances and click “Create Expenses” to assign the Travel Allowance to your Report
    1. Concur calculates the business location GSA rate and displays the daily allowable M&IE in Expenses & Adjustments
    2. You can exclude provided meals, full days, or all per diem by checking the associated boxes
    3. The Allowance column provides total daily M&IE after deducting provided meals or excluded days
  6. “Daily Per Diem” based on the Travel Allowance generates as expenses on your Report
  7. Access the Travel Allowance from the Travel Allowance drop-down menu to Edit or Unassign the information
    1. Only unsubmitted Reports are changeable
    2. Click Update Expenses on the Expenses & Adjustments tab to recalculate M&IE allowances
    3. The “Daily Per Diem” expense is not editable under Expenses

Note: Including personal days in the Travel Allowance results in inaccurate calculations on your allowable per diem. Including layovers/intermediate stops may also result in inaccurate per diem calculations.

Hot Tip: Selecting Import Itinerary provides some available trip itineraries. If the correct itinerary is available and assigned, this negates the need to manually enter each leg.


Some expenses require itemization to separate “child” expense types from the “parent.” This is primarily used for lodging expenses as they contain nightly charges for the lodging rate, taxes and fees.

  1. Add the “Lodging” expense and enter the Check-in and Check-out Dates
  2. Open the Itemizations tab, click “Create Itemization,” and select Expense Type “Lodging”
    1. The check-in and check-out dates auto-populate from the dates entered in the Details tab (number of nights also auto-calculates)
    2. Select “The Same Every Night” or “Not the Same” to determine the room rate and taxes fields
    3. Enter the room rate and taxes then “Save Itemization”
  3. Concur calculates and provides any remaining amount unaccounted for in the itemizations
    1. Correct the itemizations,
    2. Add a one-time charge itemization, or
    3. Add multiple charge itemizations for other recurring costs
  4. “Child” expenses are listed in the “parent” expense and the Expense is marked as “Itemized” in the full list

Note: If Concur resets the lodging rate itemizations to the same transaction date after adding additional itemizations, try adding the additional itemizations before creating the room rate and tax itemizations.

All Else

The itemization process is also used when the expense includes personal portions or when multiple expense types apply to a single charge.

For example, the business + personal airfare is purchased on the agency card, but the business-only itinerary costs less. You can create an expense for the full amount and itemize the expense, creating two itemizations: one for the business-only airfare cost and one for the additional personal cost.

  1. Open the expense, select the Itemizations tab, and Create Itemization
  2. Choose the first Expense Type, fill in the associated information including amount assigned to that portion, and Save Itemization
  3. Repeat until there is no remaining amount
  4. “Child” expenses are listed in the “parent” expense and the Expense is marked as “Itemized” in the full list

Hot Tip: Concur provides the remaining amount for ease of reference.

Note: Transaction date, amount, expense type and additional information are adjustable on an individual “child” itemization even on agency and travel card charges

Travelers may coordinate personal travel arrangements in conjunction with their Â鶹´«Ă˝ business travel. This includes personal extended stays at the business location and personal deviations to a non-business location.

You must identify on the Expense Report personal days taken in conjunction with Â鶹´«Ă˝ business travel. For this reason, the Report Header includes a section for documenting your personal days. Remember to update the Report Header if personal time was added to or removed from your approved Travel Request.

Expenses accrued during or because of personal days are not reimbursable.

Travel Allowance

The itinerary entered in the Travel Allowance must represent the business-only itinerary. This should match the itinerary from the cost comparison pulled from the Concur booking tool or past fare quote.

Including personal days in the Travel Allowance results in inaccurate calculations on your allowable per diem (even if you deduct meals or exclude personal days).

Agency/Travel Card

Personal expenses paid on the agency or travel card during travel are documented as expense type “Personal/Non Reimbursable,” even if a different expense type would apply if it were a business expense.

If the expense is only partially personal, use the "Itemize" feature to separate the business from the personal portion. When itemizing personal nights of lodging

  1. Use the Itemizations tab to enter the business-only expenses
    1. Use the business dates for Check-in and Check-out in the Details tab
    2. Enter the room rate, tax, and other expenses for the business-only nights of stay
  2. Calculate total amount of personal expenses and add a single “Personal/Non Reimbursable” itemization (there is no benefit to creating individual itemizations for each personal night of stay)

Personal expenses paid on the agency or travel card are deducted from your total reimbursable amount. If your personal expenses exceed your reimbursable amount, a payroll deduction is used to recoup the additional amount from employees. Please work with your department to directly reimburse Â鶹´«Ă˝ if you are no longer an employee.


The Expense Report is used to document Â鶹´«Ă˝ paid expenses. Out-of-pocket expenses must reflect only those incurred for the business purposes of the trip.

Personal expenses paid out-of-pocket are excluded from your Report unless the expense is only partially personal. In which case, only the business portion is documented or the "Itemize" feature is used to separate the business from personal portion.

Past Fare Quote

If a cost comparison is not obtained from the Concur Travel booking tool prior to your trip, you must work with CTM to obtain a "past fare quote." A delegate may obtain this documentation on your behalf, but the cost of this service is your responsibility. 

Send an email to or call CTM at 907-786-0107 to request a past fare quote for the authorized Travel Request. Include the following information in the email:

  • Body:
    • Profile name (UOFA)
    • Name of traveler
    • Dates, times and destinations of authorized business travel (NOT the personal itinerary)
    • Date trip was authorized (this provides the agent with any advance purchase information)
    • Originally approved Request ID

CTM will either charge the agency card the full touch fee of $19.00 or your personal credit card if provided over the phone. If CTM charges the agency card, then your Expense Report must include the expense documented as expense type “Personal/Non Reimbursable.”

Additional Resources

The training library contains videos, downloadable guides and additional information including how to allocate expenses, reconcile a travel advance and enter personal car mileage.